Pick the best plan for you

Get access to high-resolution imagery of the world around you


For small organizations with limited data requirements

$119 / month

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Most recent available high-resolution imagery from the USA, France, Spain, Holland, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, and Japan
Global satellite imagery, encompassing all regions except the North and South Poles
Includes 100,000 tiles / month
Extra tiles for $0.57 / 1000 tiles
Basic support

Perfect for organizations with need for high-resolution imagery

$299 / month

Start free trial

All the features in Starter
High-resolution time-series imagery dating back to 1950 (varies by country)
Local download and derivative products permitted
Includes 500,000 tiles / month
Extra tiles for $0.34 / 1000 tiles
Priority support

Tailored solutions and specialized APIs for your organization

$3,499 / month

Contact us

All the features in Business
Advanced analytics with customized API access
Managed infrastructure
In-house support for development and deployment of large deep learning models